

Monday, February 28, 2011

How To Create Invoices with Express Invoice

If you attended the VA Seminar of Jomar Hilario, you would know that one of the challenges of being a VA is getting payments.  I don't know about you! Me? I don't feel very enthusiastic about following-up for money that is due me.

But that's part of the reality of being a VA!  Unless you're doing it all for free? Far from it, right?

What then?  You need to get paid.  Unfortunately, your client seems to have selective amnesia.  There must be a way to bill your clients in a professional manner.

The VA seminar mentioned something about Intuit, a software that can send invoices to VA clients.

 I didn't even bother to look into this since it's not free anymore.

Once again I found myself doing some research (apparently, a skill that all VAs should have).  So now I'm ready to share another 'How-To'. My 7th, if I'm not mistaken.  It's a quick tutorial on how to create invoices using Express Invoice.

I suggest you try Express Invoice.  It's free.  You can work offline and create quotations, sales orders and invoices.  Exactly what we're looking for.  Everything you create can be recorded including payments made.  The beauty of it all is that Express Invoice will automatically send invoices for accounts with unpaid balances.  Nice, isn't it? 

So, spend a few minutes viewing this tutorial and explore the software later on. It's got other features that I'm sure all VAs will find useful.  You can watch the Photo Flash version, if you like.

1 comment:

  1. I'm using this already for a couple of projects. So useful.
