

Monday, February 21, 2011

How To Create Blogs With Blogger.com

I started blogging some time 2010. If you visit my blog I Go To Work In My Pajamas you'll know what (or who) got me into this.

My original intention was, of course, to earn on line. That has not happened. Not yet. That's not possible when you keep on hopping from one meeting to another. Dealing with people problems almost every working moment you have. Training left and right.

Cash Flow Training -Cebu

Product Knowledge - Bohol

Career Orientation - Iloilo
7 Habits - Caliraya

In between those workshops, I blog whenever I can. Money seems to have taken a backseat.  I have come to like blogging for 2 reasons.  I get to learn while searching around for topics and I get to share what I've learned. There are people who actually appreciate the posts. That's more than enough reason for me to keep on signing in to blogger.com.

I know it may sound complicated - this idea of blogging and posting. It's actually quite easy. To help the newbies, I'm sharing the video I've prepared on how to get started with Blogger.com. Click here for the video version.

You can learn how to blog, too. And end passive income.  In US Dollars. Check out the different workshops of Jomar Hilario:

Visit the links and learn more on blogging, online selling and 
internet marketing:
Cebu Internet Marketinghttp://www.jomarhilario.com/2010/07/ceb ... eting.html
Manila Internet Marketing Workshop -   http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?af=1336839
Online Internet Marketing Workshop Club -http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?Clk=4272657
Want to work from home? Click on the links and learn how to make it happen for you:
Cebu Virtual Assistant Seminar -
Manila Virtual Assistant Seminar -  

Found it useful? Any suggestions? I would love to hear from you. Please leave your comments.

BTW,  I wasn't in the mood for an actual workshop so I downloaded the VA Training -  click here

1 comment:

  1. Follow the tutorial and get into blogging fast. You'll love it.
