

Friday, February 18, 2011


I was eager to start on my VA assignments.  I'm no masochist.  Designing 10 "How-to's" would mean sleepless nights and missed TV shows - that much I know. But I can't wait to get started and learn new internet tools.

Surprise! Surprise! My first lesson had nothing to do with technology.  It's all about...."finding ways".  (Isn't that a tag line of a unibank?)

(from userlogos.org)

Anyway, to get started, I decided to brush up on the Movie Maker first.  That way, I can immediately convert my slides into a video tutorial once I'm done with them.  That shouldn't be hard considering I've had a long standing affair with this Microsoft program.

For some reason, my Movie Maker won't cooperate.  After several frustrating attempts I decided to break-up with Movie Maker.  I figured - there are "other fishes in the ocean".  I just need to go fishing - the worldwide web my ocean.  And the 'search button'  my 'hook, line and sinker'

Finally, I got my precious catch of the day.  Oh, I'm sure techy fishermen out there can get a 'better catch'.  I'm quite happy with mine.  It's free.  I can prepare my videos offline.  And it works.  If you're going to say there's a "larger, better fish", zip it for now.  Let me 'rest on my laurels' for a while.

Watch the tutorial first- then you're welcome to leave comments. There's nothing wrong with getting better at fishing. (For the video version, click here)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I hope you'll try using Photo Flash Maker by following this tutorial. I will appreciate your feedback.
