

Thursday, February 17, 2011

getting started...one BIG, HUGE challenge!

Got the VA training video on 23 January 2011.  Because of prior commitments, I viewed it once and vowed to go over it as soon as I can find the time.

Probably viewed it 10x since 2nd week of February.  Need to do this right.  But first, I need to start.  And I couldn't find a way to begin.

Something was wrong. I was home.  At my place, right here....

I've freed myself of other commitments.  But for some reason, I couldn't get started. The VA lessons just went completely over my head.  The last consultancy project I completed stressed me out.  Much more than I would admit.

What do you do when you're stressed? Me? I stop. I empty my mind.  And I pray. I pray until I feel myself relaxing, my mind refreshed. And i knew just the place where I can do just that - a place where I can watch my very own sunset...like this one....

Well, that's not 'my very own sunset'. That's the mother sunset of 'my very own sunset'. That's a sunset by the lake.  And the river that ends on that lake is the same river that I can see right outside my bedroom window.  From another home. My mom's home.  The place where I grew up.  The place where, I was certain, I can work in peace. 

And I was right. Been here for  a couple of days. Or was it three? What does it matter?  What matters is I'm  over the difficult part of getting started. My VA work has begun. Not much mileage, perhaps. Not yet!  Still, I've gone way past zero.  Finally,  I have one VA assignment to post. My very first.

1 comment:

  1. I've been blogging since last year but I'm really excited about this VA blog.
