

Monday, February 28, 2011

How To Create Invoices with Express Invoice

If you attended the VA Seminar of Jomar Hilario, you would know that one of the challenges of being a VA is getting payments.  I don't know about you! Me? I don't feel very enthusiastic about following-up for money that is due me.

But that's part of the reality of being a VA!  Unless you're doing it all for free? Far from it, right?

What then?  You need to get paid.  Unfortunately, your client seems to have selective amnesia.  There must be a way to bill your clients in a professional manner.

The VA seminar mentioned something about Intuit, a software that can send invoices to VA clients.

 I didn't even bother to look into this since it's not free anymore.

Once again I found myself doing some research (apparently, a skill that all VAs should have).  So now I'm ready to share another 'How-To'. My 7th, if I'm not mistaken.  It's a quick tutorial on how to create invoices using Express Invoice.

I suggest you try Express Invoice.  It's free.  You can work offline and create quotations, sales orders and invoices.  Exactly what we're looking for.  Everything you create can be recorded including payments made.  The beauty of it all is that Express Invoice will automatically send invoices for accounts with unpaid balances.  Nice, isn't it? 

So, spend a few minutes viewing this tutorial and explore the software later on. It's got other features that I'm sure all VAs will find useful.  You can watch the Photo Flash version, if you like.

Friday, February 25, 2011

How To Use Google Calendar

I'm not quite sure why I chose Google Calendar.  Maybe I was curious.  Or maybe I was on the lookout for a new tool - simpler (?) but more exciting. A tool that will work best for people with several things going on all at the same time -

 - personal schedules, business meetings, daily tasks, monthly events - you name it.

I think I'm going to like Google Calendar. I like color-coding things, organizing things in my mind just by looking at the colors.  See what it can do by navigating through this tutorial - just might work for you, too. (If you want the video, click here)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

How To Create Forms Using Google Docs

I kept asking "why" while doing this tutorial.  I've prepared so many forms - HR forms, training surveys, workshop evaluations, survey forms - all sorts.  Why is it that I've discovered this wonderful tool just now?  Could have made my work life a lot easier!

However,on hindsight,  it's probably best.  It's like learning how to drive.  If you started with the stick shift and then moved to an automatic car, it's very easy to drive both. But if you learned how to drive with an automatic car, odds are ten to 1, you'd never learn to go manual.

Hopefully, I can come up with better forms (and electronic at that) with Google Docs.

Check out the tutorial now. (Click here for video)

How to Prepare Presentations with Google Docs

I remember working for a boss who demanded one-page documents only. No matter how complicated the topic was. Even if it was a documentation of a 1-day meeting.  That was part of his dream to go paperless.

I remember getting migraines and stomach upsets in my attempts to deliver the one-pagers.  Sometimes I would cheat.  Using legal paper size instead of A4 meant more texts.  Using size 8 fonts instead of 12 meant the same thing.  I got away with them on rare occasions when my boss was too busy to take notice.  When he did notice (because he needed a magnifying glass to read my report) he would smile and shake his head as if to say - "Shame on you".

And I remember telling myself - "shame on me." A hundred words, more or less,  and I have to cheat?  I can do better than that. And I did do better. Without cheating.  It was indeed a lesson on working within boundaries -something that proved to be more challenging than having all the freedom to do what I want to do.

Preparing presentations with Google Docs was another opportunity to apply that valuable lesson.  There was so much information to share.  My first draft was 10,000kb - and I couldn't upload to Scribd.com.  I must have revised this tutorial 20x! 

I'm now ready to post this tutorial. Just  like the one-pagers, I hope I was able to capture the most important information -a much shorter version- but a concise presentation.

Hope you'll learn the basics...
(Click here for video)

Monday, February 21, 2011

How To Create Blogs With Blogger.com

I started blogging some time 2010. If you visit my blog I Go To Work In My Pajamas you'll know what (or who) got me into this.

My original intention was, of course, to earn on line. That has not happened. Not yet. That's not possible when you keep on hopping from one meeting to another. Dealing with people problems almost every working moment you have. Training left and right.

Cash Flow Training -Cebu

Product Knowledge - Bohol

Career Orientation - Iloilo
7 Habits - Caliraya

In between those workshops, I blog whenever I can. Money seems to have taken a backseat.  I have come to like blogging for 2 reasons.  I get to learn while searching around for topics and I get to share what I've learned. There are people who actually appreciate the posts. That's more than enough reason for me to keep on signing in to blogger.com.

I know it may sound complicated - this idea of blogging and posting. It's actually quite easy. To help the newbies, I'm sharing the video I've prepared on how to get started with Blogger.com. Click here for the video version.

You can learn how to blog, too. And end passive income.  In US Dollars. Check out the different workshops of Jomar Hilario:

Visit the links and learn more on blogging, online selling and 
internet marketing:
Cebu Internet Marketinghttp://www.jomarhilario.com/2010/07/ceb ... eting.html
Manila Internet Marketing Workshop -   http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?af=1336839
Online Internet Marketing Workshop Club -http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?Clk=4272657
Want to work from home? Click on the links and learn how to make it happen for you:
Cebu Virtual Assistant Seminar -
Manila Virtual Assistant Seminar -  

Found it useful? Any suggestions? I would love to hear from you. Please leave your comments.

BTW,  I wasn't in the mood for an actual workshop so I downloaded the VA Training -  click here

Friday, February 18, 2011


I was eager to start on my VA assignments.  I'm no masochist.  Designing 10 "How-to's" would mean sleepless nights and missed TV shows - that much I know. But I can't wait to get started and learn new internet tools.

Surprise! Surprise! My first lesson had nothing to do with technology.  It's all about...."finding ways".  (Isn't that a tag line of a unibank?)

(from userlogos.org)

Anyway, to get started, I decided to brush up on the Movie Maker first.  That way, I can immediately convert my slides into a video tutorial once I'm done with them.  That shouldn't be hard considering I've had a long standing affair with this Microsoft program.

For some reason, my Movie Maker won't cooperate.  After several frustrating attempts I decided to break-up with Movie Maker.  I figured - there are "other fishes in the ocean".  I just need to go fishing - the worldwide web my ocean.  And the 'search button'  my 'hook, line and sinker'

Finally, I got my precious catch of the day.  Oh, I'm sure techy fishermen out there can get a 'better catch'.  I'm quite happy with mine.  It's free.  I can prepare my videos offline.  And it works.  If you're going to say there's a "larger, better fish", zip it for now.  Let me 'rest on my laurels' for a while.

Watch the tutorial first- then you're welcome to leave comments. There's nothing wrong with getting better at fishing. (For the video version, click here)

I've Always Wanted to be a 'Gimper'

This post was not a post.  Originally.  I got carried away writing about myself and this is how my  'About Me' looked like...

It would be embarrassing to have a mile-long description of myself on that page!  If I were you, I wouldn't even bother to read it.   But I hope you would continue reading this one. So you can get to know more about me-

I'M IN TRAINING.  But I'll avoid speaking in public- if i can. I love the design portion though. I get so fired-up with nothing but the topic to start with. I have prepared thousands of slides.  But what I love doing most are the integrations - those closing summaries you deliver at the end of a workshop or training to wrap it all together.  It's challenging to be able to put a 1-day, 2-day session into a 15-minute presentation. And these are prepared right where the action is - while sessions are going on.  I usually get these reactions...

(One of my HyperBonding, HyperLearning Sessions)
I HAVE NO FORMAL TRAINING IN DECORATING. But i do that well.  Not according to me. But judged by the people who visit my place of residence.  Give me an empty space and I'll convert that into a homey, comfy, budget-friendly place.  I love organizing - at work and at home.

 I DON'T LIKE CROWDS. But I love organizing events. End to end. From conceptualizing to the actual implementation.  My aim? An event to remember.  Participants to this 3-day Summer Camp (with 500 pax) couldn't stop talking about it.

I'M A WHIRLWIND. I walk fast.  I talk fast. I work fast. I want results fast. But i take it slow when I'm starting a project.  I believe in "first things first". The key is in the planning.

(Planning Sessions with an NGO and the biggest retail company in the country)

I'M NOT TOO KEEN ON TRADITION - THINGS THAT ARE CONVENTIONAL.  But I can do policies & procedures - for any industry! I've prepared lots of manuals.  And I wouldn't stop with the manuals.  I can convert them into orientation programs. 

So, I think in so many ways, God has answered my prayer.  I've always wanted to be a gimper.  And I'm getting to be a real one.  I guess, in the VA world, I can be a Concierge.  I will bend over backwards so I can do just about anything.  NOT because I'm good.  But because I have a passion, a fire that cannot be put out - because it's inspired by GOD.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

getting started...one BIG, HUGE challenge!

Got the VA training video on 23 January 2011.  Because of prior commitments, I viewed it once and vowed to go over it as soon as I can find the time.

Probably viewed it 10x since 2nd week of February.  Need to do this right.  But first, I need to start.  And I couldn't find a way to begin.

Something was wrong. I was home.  At my place, right here....

I've freed myself of other commitments.  But for some reason, I couldn't get started. The VA lessons just went completely over my head.  The last consultancy project I completed stressed me out.  Much more than I would admit.

What do you do when you're stressed? Me? I stop. I empty my mind.  And I pray. I pray until I feel myself relaxing, my mind refreshed. And i knew just the place where I can do just that - a place where I can watch my very own sunset...like this one....

Well, that's not 'my very own sunset'. That's the mother sunset of 'my very own sunset'. That's a sunset by the lake.  And the river that ends on that lake is the same river that I can see right outside my bedroom window.  From another home. My mom's home.  The place where I grew up.  The place where, I was certain, I can work in peace. 

And I was right. Been here for  a couple of days. Or was it three? What does it matter?  What matters is I'm  over the difficult part of getting started. My VA work has begun. Not much mileage, perhaps. Not yet!  Still, I've gone way past zero.  Finally,  I have one VA assignment to post. My very first.