

Friday, April 22, 2011

Online Wealth Breakthrough Seminar

7 Things to Expect in the Online Wealth Breakthrough Seminar:

This March and April, Jomar Hilario the pinoy Internet M'arke'ting Guru will be holding a Online Wealth Breakthrough Seminar. Here's what you can expect to gain from it:

1. How do internet marketers connect the dots between this program and that program and that program?  Which program does what and goes first? Which comes next?

2. How to do - step by step - to sell in Facebook or email - in a way that works?

3. How does affiliate marketing really work? What's the secret? How come most people only make so little?  They have sales but less than $50!

4. What's required -as a minimum - to succeed in online marketing?

5. What stops most people from earning online using this knowledge?

6. How people really make money online?

7. What are the websites you need to know to keep up to date in online marketing?

So to bridge the gap between your skills (you already know how to blog for example) and your goals (but where's your online income?),  attend the Online Wealth Breakthrough Seminar on March 19 in Manila and April 3 in Cebu.

Click here for seats: http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?Clk=4274271
Hurry because there's a Super Early Bird Fee (discounted) for fast movers.

Jomar Hilario

P.S. March 4 is the last day for the SUPER EARLY BIRD seats for the 19 March Manila seminar. Act quickly to be rewarded quickly.   March 11 is the SUPER EARLY BIRD deadline for Cebu. Visit this link now: http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?Clk=4274271

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Do you want to learn how to create money online?

There will be a Cebu Internet Marketing Workshop on August 14-15.
and a Manila Internet Marketing Workshop on September 3-4.
These are hands-on workshops; you don't just sit there, you get
to use the computer and instantly apply your learnings!.

Here's some feedback from previous attendees:

"At first, I was very hesitant to take the workshop. Jomar made
everything very easy to understand. You donít need to be a tech
savvy person to learn Internet Marketing from the workshop.
The Hands-on or one pc/person makes it impossible for the
attendees not to understand everything. I already feel that I
will succeed in internet marketing.

It ís not just internet marketing that you will learn but also
confidence and motivation in achieving your goals in life.
I think the benefit exceeds the price of the workshop."
- John M.

"The workshop was an eye-opener for me on the tremendous
power of the internet. Now I explore all possibilities on how
to earn and market my products. Internet Marketing enhances
my skills and my creative mind to contribute to the growing
community."- Louie I.

"Sa First day pa lang ng workshop, ramdam ko na agad and
in my mind saying (2 million monthly income, possible, yeees!
I'm gonna get you!). If you follow Jomar's guidelines, it's as
easy as ABC."- Ronnie C.

Visit the links and learn more on blogging, online selling and
internet marketing:
Cebu Internet Marketing - http://www.jomarhilario.com/2010/07/ceb ... eting.html
Manila Internet Marketing Workshop -http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?af=1336839
Online Internet Marketing Workshop Club -http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?Clk=4272657

Want to work from home? Click on the links and learn how to
make it happen for you:
Cebu Virtual Assistant Seminar - http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?Clk=4273835
Manila Virtual Assistant Seminar - http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?Clk=4268349

Sunday, March 6, 2011

How to Sync and Share Files with Dropbox

I am going to celebrate.  This is my last and final tutorial. For the VA tools, at least.  I'll be starting on my English as a Second Language materials. Soon.

So, here its is, finally - my tutorial on How To Use Dropbox.

Oh, and all the PPT and PDF files are in my Dropbox- safe and secure.

You should use Dropbox, too.  Go through this tutorial and get started. (Video version here)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

How To Put Notes in Evernotes

Why is life so complicated?  Because we make it so, that's why!  But I don't want to get into that right now.

What I want to get into is a way for us to simplify things.

Do you ever notice how, as our lives become more complex, we tend to forget things?  And we try to solve this problem by having a desktop and a laptop at the office, a laptop at home, a mobile phone.  All of these equipment and gadgets full of schedulers and notes.  Not to mention the countless post-its that you stick everywhere.  No wonder we're confused. And no wonder we keep on forgetting things.

Studying  EVERNOTE is like opening a gift - a wonderful gift.  It's full of surprises.  And it's full of features that can help simplify your hectic lifestyle.  Go ahead and open my gift to you.  Go over the tutorial and be surprised yourself. (Click here for the video version)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How To Get Started with Skype

Okay  - so, I'm a comfort-zone-person.  I find something I like, something that fits my needs to a "T",  and I'll probably stay with it forever.

I started using Yahoo Messenger almost 6 years ago - with dial-up connection- yes! (And don't ask me how I got started.  I'm not gonna tell.)  I got into the YM thing so much I sometimes wake up to someone else's snoring at the other end. (I'm still not going to tell.)

Years later, everybody seems to have switched to Skype. I kept hanging on to my YM. I have the latest version, anyway. (Excuses! Excuses!) Except there's no one to YM with.  Not anymore.  Even the kids in my family are using Skype. When they see me using the YM, they think I'm from another world.

It's time to learn something different.  (I was about to say 'new'.  Which is absolutely not true since Skype is on it's nth version already!) I've been staring far too long at the 'offline status' of friends in my YM. 

Finally, I have reached the letting-go stage.  Well, partly. Am keeping my YM.  I just can't bring myself to delete it from my system.  But I have downloaded Skype, spent some time getting familiar with it and came up with this tutorial.  I'm not even sure someone will still be interested to go through this quick lesson.  It's so basic I'm almost embarrassed to share it.

Here it is, anyway - for those who are in the process of finding something new.  It's not necessarily something better.  But you might have better chances of getting connected as more people are using Skype nowadays.  As for me, the kids will stop looking at me with dismay.  And I will stop feeling, well, ancient.  Don't you feel ever feel outdated when you refuse to go out of a comfort zone?

And here's something that I like about Skype - I can monitor my Facebook Newsfeed while logged-in to Skype.  I don't think i can do that with YM.  So, it seems,  it's goodbye YM, hello Skype! (Click here for video version)

How To Get Started with Spybot-Search & Destroy

If only for this, whatever I paid Jomar Hilario for the VA training is well worth it. (Check out Jomar Hilario's downloadable seminar and you won't need to leave the comforts of your home to learn how to do these turorials)

For years, I have lived with Norton, AVG, Avast - all the while HOPING that my computer (and my files) will always be 'safe'.  I said hoping because it really never turned out that way.  Somehow some malicious spyware or malware will sneak into the system.  And your computer will never be the same again.

Enter Spybot-Search & Destroy! This is what I call living up to it's name.  How it searches! And How it destroys!  There's probably something better out there.  Who cares?  I'm perfectly happy with the way Spybot attacks these malicious, sneaky enemies that goes into my laptop.

For weeks, I've been on the internet 20/6.  (Come on! Don't tell me you don't get it - I'm not a 7-Eleven branch.  Nor am I a call center!)  I've been downloading this, downloading that.  And my laptop's still running at top speed. 

If you don't have Spybot yet, I'm urging you to download it.  Watch this tutorial and do the searching and destroying yourself - with Spybot, of course! Click here for the video version.

Monday, February 28, 2011

How To Create Invoices with Express Invoice

If you attended the VA Seminar of Jomar Hilario, you would know that one of the challenges of being a VA is getting payments.  I don't know about you! Me? I don't feel very enthusiastic about following-up for money that is due me.

But that's part of the reality of being a VA!  Unless you're doing it all for free? Far from it, right?

What then?  You need to get paid.  Unfortunately, your client seems to have selective amnesia.  There must be a way to bill your clients in a professional manner.

The VA seminar mentioned something about Intuit, a software that can send invoices to VA clients.

 I didn't even bother to look into this since it's not free anymore.

Once again I found myself doing some research (apparently, a skill that all VAs should have).  So now I'm ready to share another 'How-To'. My 7th, if I'm not mistaken.  It's a quick tutorial on how to create invoices using Express Invoice.

I suggest you try Express Invoice.  It's free.  You can work offline and create quotations, sales orders and invoices.  Exactly what we're looking for.  Everything you create can be recorded including payments made.  The beauty of it all is that Express Invoice will automatically send invoices for accounts with unpaid balances.  Nice, isn't it? 

So, spend a few minutes viewing this tutorial and explore the software later on. It's got other features that I'm sure all VAs will find useful.  You can watch the Photo Flash version, if you like.