

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Do you want to learn how to create money online?

There will be a Cebu Internet Marketing Workshop on August 14-15.
and a Manila Internet Marketing Workshop on September 3-4.
These are hands-on workshops; you don't just sit there, you get
to use the computer and instantly apply your learnings!.

Here's some feedback from previous attendees:

"At first, I was very hesitant to take the workshop. Jomar made
everything very easy to understand. You donít need to be a tech
savvy person to learn Internet Marketing from the workshop.
The Hands-on or one pc/person makes it impossible for the
attendees not to understand everything. I already feel that I
will succeed in internet marketing.

It ís not just internet marketing that you will learn but also
confidence and motivation in achieving your goals in life.
I think the benefit exceeds the price of the workshop."
- John M.

"The workshop was an eye-opener for me on the tremendous
power of the internet. Now I explore all possibilities on how
to earn and market my products. Internet Marketing enhances
my skills and my creative mind to contribute to the growing
community."- Louie I.

"Sa First day pa lang ng workshop, ramdam ko na agad and
in my mind saying (2 million monthly income, possible, yeees!
I'm gonna get you!). If you follow Jomar's guidelines, it's as
easy as ABC."- Ronnie C.

Visit the links and learn more on blogging, online selling and
internet marketing:
Cebu Internet Marketing - http://www.jomarhilario.com/2010/07/ceb ... eting.html
Manila Internet Marketing Workshop -http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?af=1336839
Online Internet Marketing Workshop Club -http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?Clk=4272657

Want to work from home? Click on the links and learn how to
make it happen for you:
Cebu Virtual Assistant Seminar - http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?Clk=4273835
Manila Virtual Assistant Seminar - http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?Clk=4268349

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